By cheddar - 20/07/2011 22:17 - United States

Today, I woke up feeling great. I opened up the blinds and looked out from my window just in time to see a man ripping my mailbox from the ground and sprinting away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 439
You deserved it 2 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

topdawg255 0

thats y u install brick mailbox


shoulda call the cops.. i wrk at the post office, it's a federal offense and they dont take that shit lightly.

Personally, I just wanna know why the guy would just take the whole mailbox... He must be new to the whole identity theft thing.

janelllove 0

woow people are getting crazier these daysss!!!

Smarrtt_ass17 0

That's why I put a trap door near my mailbox. think of stealing it and face the pit of furby collections and a village of smurfs.

tdog_ossim 0

whats beyond rediculous is he stole the whole thing when it woulda been 100 times easier to open it and take the mail.... :/ its sad.... truly sad

talensledge1 0

i'd run at him with a toothbrush and pour mouthwash in his eyes.

Osito2011 9

then how do you deliver mail?