By ohmygoodness - 02/03/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I woke up at my boyfriend's place with grumbling stomach pains. I left him in bed to go have explosive diarreah in the bathroom next to his room. When I was done, I came back to bed and snuggled in next to his sleeping form and he rolled over to whisper, "I heard everthing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 708
You deserved it 17 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is not a bad thing. People get sick and everyone goes to the bathroom.

So what? He thought girls never do the "poop" thing or a female fart is just a myth? Wake up, son!


RockThatStuff 0

"woman-shit" lol. greenman always has the best comments.

wait girls poop? I didn't know that ;) This is not a FML at all. He wasn't even mean about it.

imhawaiian 0
csully717 0

cbw (could be worse) could have shit IN the bed.

One hurdle over and done with! Well maybe a few hurdles at one time!

So next time he farts or has explosive diarrhea, make sure you say it right back at him.

lol @ #5, "Not FML unless he dumped you." Unintended pun? I hope you laughed after every explosion. If my gf had explosive diarrhea and thought it was funny it would probably make my day.