By ohmygoodness - 02/03/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I woke up at my boyfriend's place with grumbling stomach pains. I left him in bed to go have explosive diarreah in the bathroom next to his room. When I was done, I came back to bed and snuggled in next to his sleeping form and he rolled over to whisper, "I heard everthing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 711
You deserved it 17 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is not a bad thing. People get sick and everyone goes to the bathroom.

So what? He thought girls never do the "poop" thing or a female fart is just a myth? Wake up, son!


This is hysterical, my boyfriend and I have only been dating for a few months and poop is one of our biggest jokes. For valentines day i bought us disposable cameras so we could have picture taking battles..later that night i took my first poop in his apartment- guess who broke into the bathroom and took a picture? had my boyfriend said that to me i would have died laughing, obviously he didn't care if he whispered it in your ear, i think its kinda cute

Haha, that would be my response, too.

he was respectable about it, i think its cute how he said that. he was nice to you :D

dude get a sense of humor. thats ****** hilarious. I woulda been like, ya well your lucky you just heard it and didn't feel it, cuz i was almost feeling too bad to make it to the toilet.

Don't be embarrassed. I would've opened the door and loudly exclaimed "Hear that?! Jesus Christ, I set off the smoke alarm!" But seeing as I'm a guy, that's probably just normal behavior.

Purane2forever 0

"This isn't a FML, really." FMLs make you laugh. If it makes you laugh, then it should be a FML :-D

Emmett_Luver_101 0

LOL embarrasing but LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Emmett_Luver_101 0

and 118....your either a wise ass or a dork lol

That one made me laugh a lot, simply because as embarrassing for you as it probably was, I loved how he just rolled over and whispered it. Something about that is so funny!