By ohmygoodness - 02/03/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I woke up at my boyfriend's place with grumbling stomach pains. I left him in bed to go have explosive diarreah in the bathroom next to his room. When I was done, I came back to bed and snuggled in next to his sleeping form and he rolled over to whisper, "I heard everthing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 711
You deserved it 17 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is not a bad thing. People get sick and everyone goes to the bathroom.

So what? He thought girls never do the "poop" thing or a female fart is just a myth? Wake up, son!


This FML made my laugh so much. Best one

kcooper4775 0

that's why you turn the water on lol

myah1109 11

LMAO this is hilarous! At least he didn't overreact or anything XD

Well it could have been worse...much worse.

well, if it was as explosive as you said, you know it's the truth.

Jezus I've never even heard of explosive diarrhea, it's because of all that crap you Amercans eat. Just cook some veggies, eat some normal bread in normal quantities. Take care of your body for c's sake.

It's not literally explosive, idiot. That's just a common hyperbole that means "really bad diarrhea."

Paper thin walls horrible with that issue...

If I was him I'd be laughing my ass off