By somuchforthat - 19/02/2010 07:38 - Australia

Today, I woke up and found a small leg of what used to belong to a spider on the corner of my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 699
You deserved it 2 513

Same thing different taste

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Spider: Today I was taking a walk, minding my own business, when a heartless giant bit my leg off. FML

euuuuuuurrrrggghhh. i had a friend who had the same experiance. gross. fyl.


QueenOfStars 0

I heard that all people eat bugs in their sleep every night! they just go right into ur mouth while ur sleeping. I didn't believe it. but now I do lol.

omg haha idk what it was about that but i started laughing immediately as i read that. but its okay i hate spiders. but that was pretty amusing.

What's the statistic? You're supposed to eat, like, seven of them in your lifetime. If that's true, you can just tick one off the list. :p

mrsd9494 7

you eat 8 spiders in yourlife time. but that does suck hard.

bezach 0

and than a face hugger bursts from yur gut!!!!!!

im callin fake. i read a fml a while ago n it was exactly like this except instead of spider it was a cockroach.

EW dude that is very very nasty!!! Do you live in aussie and was it a hunstmans leg?

One time I woke up with Spider Mans leg at the corner of my mouth.

You'd be surprised how common this is, OP. People can swallow hoards of bugs, etc in their sleep, so this isn't exactly far-fetched.