By dirtbikeguy - 23/07/2015 13:05 - United States - Chicago

Today, I had a dream about a giant spider crawling around in my mouth. I woke up to find that dreams sometimes do come true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 194
You deserved it 1 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nope, Nope, Nope and No ******* Way. Strong mouthwash and some kind of brush to scrub out the...feeling. *shudders*


tantanpanda 26

A little too touchy mostly on the spiders part

According to scientists (whom I believe more than internet attention ******, though that's just me being weird), spiders do not crawl into peoples mouth while they sleep. So I have no choice but to call OP a liar.

So touching, I now don't want to go to sleep. It's like 3am though and I kind of have to. Perfect


Naggie_May23 6

What's burning your room/the house down going to accomplish? Every time I read an FML about spiders, everyone screams, "Burn the house down!" or some variation thereof. You can't get rid of spiders no matter what you do. And as scary as they are, we need them to get rid of the flies and the mosquitoes. Plus, I hear mint oil is a better, non-fire way of getting rid of those sons of bitches.

olpally 32

That's horrible, sorry you had to go through that!

Nope, Nope, Nope and No ******* Way. Strong mouthwash and some kind of brush to scrub out the...feeling. *shudders*

To all the "kill it with fire!" Comments, remember that the spider is IN HER MOUTH. That would not end well.

Did you burn down your house? Because that's what you should have done.

llamingo 8

Reading this made my skin crawl.. i feel so bad for you. i would have cried real jesus tears.

tears that are blessed by the pope and used in exorcisms are real jesus tears...

You get real Jesus tears by burning the hell out of them.