By sheilob - 24/03/2012 23:06 - Australia - Camden

Today, I witnessed my husband swat a coffee bean over and over again, all the while mistaking it for a fly. I then figured he probably has a lower IQ than I do, which wouldn't be so bad if mine wasn't a few points away from minor retardation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 607
You deserved it 6 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You two are perfect for each other :)

yesyesnonono 10

It's because you didn't spell it "LEEROOOOOOOY JEEEEEENKIIIIIINS!!!"


bd1012 18

Your husband probably just has bad eye sight and you have low self-esteem. Don't listen to the people calling you an idiot and telling you not to breed.

Smart people usually aren't attracted to stupid people, & if they are it's usually for all the wrong reasons (superiority complexes & shit).

sofia_palermo 1

Maybe he has bad eye sight.

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : Good lord!! Lmfao. Two peas in a pod then, OP. :)

Maybe your kids are gonna be geniuses, hopefully it skips a generation