By sheilob - 24/03/2012 23:06 - Australia - Camden

Today, I witnessed my husband swat a coffee bean over and over again, all the while mistaking it for a fly. I then figured he probably has a lower IQ than I do, which wouldn't be so bad if mine wasn't a few points away from minor retardation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 607
You deserved it 6 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You two are perfect for each other :)

yesyesnonono 10

It's because you didn't spell it "LEEROOOOOOOY JEEEEEENKIIIIIINS!!!"


No. He just smoked a lot of weed. Your still stupid

Congratulations on finding your true love!

RoseTintMyWorld 8

I feel like this FML is worded too well for OP to actually be as unintelligent as she says.

84, I was just thinking that actually.

I love how seriously you take this FML.. you do realize the basis of this website is humor and entertainment right? It's a basic human instinct to laugh at others misfortune.. Have a chuckle and move on instead of analyzing what is actually a hilariously self depreciating FML

So much for the blind leading the blind. It's now the blind leading the dumb. Love knows no boundaries.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You're smart enough to find a mate albeit not a perfect one. There are people with higher IQs than yourself that can't do that. So how smart they? And stop running yourself down like that.