No way

By Adam curran - 24/04/2022 06:00

Today, my roommate expected me to help them buy them car, or loan them some money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 838
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheEntity652 1

why would they expect you to buy them a car

Buy a car and make your roommate be your chauffeur to earn time to use the car themselves. That would be very VIP. Make them buy their own damn hat.


I don’t think the answer will be yes, but on the off chance it is, get everything in writing and have it signed.

Buy a car and make your roommate be your chauffeur to earn time to use the car themselves. That would be very VIP. Make them buy their own damn hat.

TheEntity652 1

why would they expect you to buy them a car