By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 01:52 - Canada

Today, I went with my friend door-to-door selling chocolates. We went to the first house, and the guy decided to buy a chocolate from each of us. He didn't have change and neither did we, so he just took the chocolates and slammed the door in our face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 921
You deserved it 7 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you say...chocolate? CHOCOLaAATE!!!!

Kick his door in and take his wallet. They teach you that stuff in girl scouts right??


What? what are they sellin?! chocolates! theyre sellin chocolates? yeah!

You should have stood there ringing the doorbell rapid-fire until he gave them back.

If I were you, I would knock the door down and cuss him out and ask notsonicely for my ****ing money back.

To be honest if your trying to sell anything you should ALWAYS have change with you in case something like this happens. Indeed he shouldn't have took them but next time bring change this is a FML and YDI.

you deserve it. carry change if you're selling something or providing a service. iys always needed.