By asthmatic - 18/06/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I used my inhaler for the first time in a year. As soon as I took a puff I felt something strange go down my throat. Upon closer inspection I discovered there had been a spider living in the mouth of my inhaler... and I had just swallowed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 264
You deserved it 8 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you swallow the spider to catch the fly? I don't know why you swallowed a fly. ...Perhaps you'll die.

If that happened to me I would have to use the inhaler so I wouldn't have an asthma attack! FYL :(


If that happened to me I would have to use the inhaler so I wouldn't have an asthma attack! FYL :(

xitsbananas 0

#1 How did you know it was a spider? #2 Wouldn't you have inhaled it, not swallowed it?

How would you know it was a spider if it already went down your throat? What would there be to inspect closely? The puke from when you made it come back up. I'm tired of all these fake FMLs.

Twin_Uzis 0

There was a web inside, you retards.

ryguy997 0

OMG OMG OMG WTF WTF WTF!?!?!!!?!????!!!

uhh maybe the spider made a web? >.> stop calling shit fake just cuz YOU think its unlikely..

Ahh , gross. this makes me happy that i never use my inhalers.

One day. One day you will and there will be a spider in there.

ewww! disturbing! but hey, its healthy. haha!

Did you swallow the spider to catch the fly? I don't know why you swallowed a fly. ...Perhaps you'll die.

oh my god we used to sing that in elementary school during halloween lol

Kylias 6

There is so many win involved here.

Caayouteepie 0

why wouldn't u inspect an inhaler before you use it after a year... I'm not even sure if that stuff stays good longer than a year...ydi

TinyTot13 0

I'm pretty sure if you are in the middle of an asthma attack, you aren't going to stop and check for spiders before using your inhaler. I would think the main concern would be the fact that they are unable to breathe, not the small possibility of a spider living in their inhaler.

Yeah, and don't you have a lid for it or something?

Ewww... Don't those things expire after a while anyway? I think you probably need a new one

they do expire but they last longer than a year, i got mine late 2007-early 2008 and it expires sept. 2009 soo... yeah.

amatayo 0

you should that was not a widow

that was probably the healthiest thing you ate all day!

oh. six legged goodness. I wonder if it laid eggs in your inhaler, and if you swallowed them too ;)

Um...spiders actually have eight legs. Just, FYI. I really hope you knew that, and "six legged" was just a typo. Cause I definitely learned the difference between spiders and insects in kindergarten.

the OP probably saw some spider web inside the inhaler.

leeeighanneee14 0


Little note, but the eggs would dissolve in the stomach acid anyway, so no worries there.