By insultedguy - 03/01/2011 17:28 - Netherlands

Today, I went to the store and ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen in years. We chatted a little, and just as I was leaving he grabbed his mobile phone. Later, I added him on Facebook. Turns out the last thing he posted was a picture of my back saying: "Look who got even fatter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 291
You deserved it 4 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Hm. He's taking pictures of your ass? Did you know this about your old friend or is this a new development? Maybe your comment on his FB should be "Look who got eveñ gayer!"

Well you probably did get fatter didn't you.


MyyLifeeIssFcked 0

That's disgusting.. Don't worry op, was goes around comes around

addisonsmom 0

dont worry op, karma is a bitch.

MCRUsedTheFate 0

people can be such pricks:P id probably knock out his ******* teeth if i saw him again.

denvan 0

Did the picture get any likes?

Demonyx 6

He took a picture of you and posted it on facebook without your knowledge or consent then made a remark about your physical appearance, sexual harassment maybe?

ok why is it so hard to stay skinny? I admit I have a crazy metabolism so I dunno how it's so hard

I used to have trouble with my weight when i suffered from my depression, now I've lost weight and I'm happy with how i look. my depression is also gone :D

DakotaCat 4

Wow.. What a scumsucking road *****

Jenrees94 0

some people never grow up !! don't let him get to u ! He trys 2 make him self look good by being mean 2 others!!! childish !!!

I'm thinking he is an immature asshole or you were one of the snobby mean girls, and he thought it funny that you're not all you thought you were. I suppose if you were one of those girls you wouldn't call him an old friend; asshole is the answer.

he's obviously not your friend. and remove him from facebook. he's a loooser