By insultedguy - 03/01/2011 17:28 - Netherlands

Today, I went to the store and ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen in years. We chatted a little, and just as I was leaving he grabbed his mobile phone. Later, I added him on Facebook. Turns out the last thing he posted was a picture of my back saying: "Look who got even fatter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 301
You deserved it 4 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Hm. He's taking pictures of your ass? Did you know this about your old friend or is this a new development? Maybe your comment on his FB should be "Look who got eveñ gayer!"

Well you probably did get fatter didn't you.


HAHAHAHA. That's funny, but extremely rude.

captain obvious? can I be captain falcon

the_real_deal 0

if he gets to be captain falcon I wanna be captain tiger paw

The_Moustache 6
FreshSalad 1

Do you have what it takes to be a captain? btw I call being captain icebreaker

i'll be Captain Planet!! oh yeah im the hero haha

Lalala1996 0

your welcome lieutenant sarcasm! o.o I had to...

..and illegal maybe. The new laws for identity theft and whatnot are a bitch

Well you probably did get fatter didn't you.

QueenOfBoredom 0

even if that is so it's still being a jackass

xTrue25 0

queen of boredom eh? you just eat the whole time huh?

MoldinRooster 0

46 - That was funnier then the FML. :D

Wow, what an ass. Remove him from your friends list asap.

You're an ass for adding him to your Facebook so quickly. A big ass. A very VERY big ass.

@ #5 Hahahaha! I see what you did there. Too Amusing... and yet cruel. I love it :)

Ju know how you can fix that? Lift everything you can find over your head, and eat notting but protein shakes, falcon eggs, and ROCKS

perdix 29

Hm. He's taking pictures of your ass? Did you know this about your old friend or is this a new development? Maybe your comment on his FB should be "Look who got eveñ gayer!"

ydi for being a fat person and letting your self go.

InnocentLies 0

Well did you gain weight ? If so then YDI for not staying in shape. He was just being honest. :D

He wasn't "just" being honest, he was also being unnecessarily rude. Nobody's perfect and to post someone's flaws online without his knowledge or permission is the work of an true arsehole. If someone asks for your opinion, by all means, be honest. But there is no need to be crass.

Why do people always jump to surgery when there's an FML about looks. Surgery is unaffordable to most people and in most cases unnecessary.