By insultedguy - 03/01/2011 17:28 - Netherlands

Today, I went to the store and ran into an old friend that I hadn't seen in years. We chatted a little, and just as I was leaving he grabbed his mobile phone. Later, I added him on Facebook. Turns out the last thing he posted was a picture of my back saying: "Look who got even fatter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 291
You deserved it 4 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Hm. He's taking pictures of your ass? Did you know this about your old friend or is this a new development? Maybe your comment on his FB should be "Look who got eveñ gayer!"

Well you probably did get fatter didn't you.


wut a jerk...i like how fb some how makes ppl grow balls

AraceliM 0

comment on it. lol that'll show him. :p

Maravilla4 1

Hahahhah, that's what u get fatty hit the gym

Keus_fml 0

you ppl know this a guy right? it even says at that the top "insultedGUY" read ppl

lmao i jus read this nd laughed right away, suks 4 u wat a douchebag

What a ******* ****...If i was your friend IRL I would beat the shit outta this bitch for ya : / Don't take it to heart man...He most likely did this because he has self-esteem issues...Instead of him trying to work on them, he just degrades everyone around him to make himself feel better...

lisha88 1

did u block him after that?

alanagan97 0

Would have been worse if your husband or boyfriend liked it