By Applejacks18 - 06/06/2013 05:01 - United States - Helena

Today, I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I woke up right as the dentist pulled my last tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 394
You deserved it 3 484

Applejacks18 tells us more.

OP here. I was awake for about 2 minutes before they knocked me out again. My tooth actually broke on the way out so I heard the dentist debate with his staff whether or not he should just leave the root in. The dentist is a cool guy and even offered to buy me lunch sometime.

Top comments

zingline89 18

Same thing happened to me. The feeling of having your tooth ripped out and you can't do anything but lay there paralyzed is absolutely horrible. I had nightmares for days.


zingline89 18

Ain't that the tooth! OP must've been howling like an enamel.

flockz 19

molar of the story: look for plaques of certification so you can be sure you're chewsing a dentist who knows what they're doing.

Pretty sure OP did not have a say in the matter?

Well they for damn sure need to give you more anesthesia and they better pay for your surgery.

Well it was his fault for waking up. (Sarcasm)

Same thing happened to me. The feeling of having your tooth ripped out and you can't do anything but lay there paralyzed is absolutely horrible. I had nightmares for days.

This has to be one of the most terrifying scenarios I've read on FML.

Thizzkidsgotgame 7

Reminds me of the guy who had this happen during heart surgery... Crazy movie

caitlinbblack 14

The movie "Awake?" Uh freaky shytt.

Some people have a higher tolerance for anesthetics. Sorry about that OP, I had it happen during surgery too.

CharresBarkrey 15

This has happened to me during a cholecystectomy. I later found out that red heads have a gene mutation that makes us less affected by anesthetics and pain medicine. I suggest telling any doctor from here on out that you've woken up before, just to avoid it in the future, OP.

57 - I just read about natural red heads' anesthesia/pain med tolerance on DocBastard's blog. Thanks for the detail about gene mutation.

Willibobs 33

I am a redhead and I am having my teeth pulled on Monday. My friend has already told me they sometimes break your jaw while whilst doing the op. I'm scared :/ lol.

Hopefully they're nice enough to make the surgery free and supply all the necessary pain meds for the additional pain they caused you.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

They need to throw in some Xanax and lorazepam for the scare they put OP through as well.

Not enough gas sucks! I hope he gives you some pain killers to go home with.

Hopefully they will make a good will gesture on the fees, that must have been painful. I had my wisdom teeth removed with local anesthesia. I prefer local when possible, less dangerous and as efficient.

Gardevoir_fml 12

This happened to me when I was was not a very fun day.