By JordanVilleneuve - 28/01/2011 03:35 - Canada

Today, I went to the park and sat down on a bench to enjoy my coffee. I heard a few young girls behind me talking about how their first experience of sex was. I turned around to see how old these girls really were. One of them was my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 309
You deserved it 7 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

You're obviously not very observant. What kind of parent sits in front of their child and doesn't notice them, and then doesn't recognize their voice when sitting close enough to hear the entire conversation? If your daughter is young enough for this to be truly a 'life-******* situation' to you, you should be keeping better tabs on what she's doing in the first place.


this experience seemed worse for your daughter than it was for you

littlechef22 0

i can tell who the people who don't have kids are. the last thing you want to hear is that kind of thing. not to mention daughters and sex when comes to fathers is taboo.

It's amazing you couldn't recognize your daughter's voice.

cowboyy_fml 0

Who said her daughter was doing the talking?

My mistake, but gender in this is sort of irrelevant. It's a parent, that's what matters.

no one needs to know that's what there kids been up too

soldier4life_88 0

I do believe your little girl has grown up!! sorry but they all do eventually!!

gusgus36 5

aaaaah :( that's not a fun way to find out! I guess really any way of finding out wouldn't be fun. well, since she is already having sex, it won't help at all to freak out and try to keep it from happening again.... try to get her to use protection and hopefully you won't find yourself starring in an episode of 16 & Pregnant.

joeykrak 0

#20 that was totally uncalled for, is that ur own way of sympathizing with him? That really sucks OP, i agree with #18

lol thats f'ed up to say...and yeah get her to use protection


Sangoku_fml 0

Ouuuuups....!!!!!!!!!! do You deserve it???Daugther becoming a WIFE. FML for Ya.

chelle_starlight 0 didn't see that one cumming did ya!?

tory777 0

I think you're talking about *coming. just sayin,

Tory, I think you missed the whole joke. Go ask your parents what "Cumming" means.

kitkatmiaow 21

Erm... No... I think they were pointing out that there was ZERO humour there... The joke wasn't funny...

Wow, doesn't take much to win the internets these days...

Wow, doesn't take much to win the internets these days...

maybe she wanted to tell you but didn't know how?

xiiijinx 5

Why the hell would she want to tell him?