By Azure_Mist - 27/01/2011 22:53 - United States

Today, I received a bouquet of flowers from my boyfriend, which is something he's never done before. Unfortunately, this was his way of apologizing for cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 299
You deserved it 3 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flowers = I cheated on you Perfume = I crashed your car Clothes = I stole money from your purse Candy = I secretly hate your mother Diamond = I secretly ****** your mother

"you are the defanition of "moron"" "defanition of "moron"" "defanition" Pot, meet kettle.


lerouxmaster, I think you mean "deflowered." Either way your comment is stupid.

rallets 22

deflorated sounds brutal lol

thats not an FML!!!! you got flowers!!!(;

impatientsnake 4

dump that guy he cheated on u what an ass

aww sorry for you op! i hope you dumped his ass

Blackmail111 9

you are the defanition of "moron"

"you are the defanition of "moron"" "defanition of "moron"" "defanition" Pot, meet kettle.

28, while you loose internets for missing the point, you get one for catching the obvious and knowing how to spell the word whose misspelling made the joke funny.

45, Shazbot! I was wrong and you are correct. Thank you. +3 internets.

Mervin22 6

Especially when plucked from her friend's garden.

Where did you get those guns? And I'm not referring to what's in those hands!

soldier4life_88 0

flowers definitely do not make up for cheating!!

Dall87 0

if he ever gives you jewelry you should worry.

You can do the "He loves me, he loves me not" ritual with them. Although I kind of have a hunch which one it's going to be.

well he obviously loves her if he still wants to get back with her but he doesn't love her enough to not cheat so she has to decide if that is enough for her and if yes then can she trust him in the future? ps **** punctuation

whats wrong with dating for sex....? you gay?

ya, its deffianitly too much of a hassle...thats why i dont date...friends with benifits(;

Wow, you really raped the word "definitely" there.

hansbans11 0

what?? well idk I never found it complicated to have f--- buddies but it got too boring fast. op- figure out if you wanna deal with his shit hopefully not so that you can dump his ass and move on to bigger and better things.

wow 4bidden you are by far the coolest guy ive ever seen on here, friends with benefits? your a scumbag... btw change your pic its quite embarrassing considering i looked better when i was 15, i doubt a single girl would be interested in such a lame excuse for a guy such as yourself so quit tryin to act like a pimp... TOOL of the year award goes to you little boy

4bidden, got confused between FML and meetic did ya?

85 You sir are amazing! :D and I agree that guy is a complete ass hole.