By Anonymous - 28/01/2011 04:24 - United States

Today, I found out that I have to reschedule my upcoming honeymoon because my office will be understaffed that week, due to the boss going on vacation right after my wedding. Oh, yeah, and he's in my bridal party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 009
You deserved it 2 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Asynja 4

That sounds like something my boss would do. "My life and plans are much more important and meaningful than yours, because I make more than you." What a stand up guy, a real team player.

Dibman 3

I think your boss needs to take a look around and realise he is not the centre of the universe. What an asshole, really.


pwincessa23 1

I'm SO sorry, op. maybe when you do go it will be way better than going right away. anyway, good luck.

I guess you could say he was "puts on glasses" outta team YEAHH!

That attempt at a pun makes me want to beat my head against a railing spike.

Well, you can't always expect bosses to be nice unfortunately

icecreamdriveby 5

I love reading equals 3 quotes on here :)

Dibman 3

I think your boss needs to take a look around and realise he is not the centre of the universe. What an asshole, really.

gusgus36 5

that's awful! I would be so pissed!! hopefully it's not too super expensive rescheduling your tickets?