By Claire - 29/09/2010 05:59 - Australia

Today, I went to the beach with this boy I like. Not thinking it'd be anything more than a simple date, I didn't shave my downstairs. We were sitting on a towel and I laid down. Then he said, "Is there a squirrel in your pants?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 107
You deserved it 43 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you knew how revealing your swimsuit would be, therefore if you could see more hair than you wanted to be seen, you should have dealt with it. Though if he gets freaked out by something natural, you might want to reconsider his maturity levels. Unless he was just joking.

billywhyte 0

BAHAHA! wait....was there really a squirrel?


xXDubbleChic 11

omg! i read this exactly when Candice from phineas and ferb, was the "squirrles in my pants" dance. lol

yorkiegirl1691 0

phineas and ferb reference ftw.

TheyCallMeThumpe_fml 0


heehee I luv squirrels don't b ashamed... but I would shave next time

im thinking she did shave her bikini line but she moved a certain way and he happened to be staring at her at that moment so he saw the huge bush that normally wouldnt have been visible. btw all the ***** who commented saying something along the lines of shave on every have to be a ****/***** to even consider the possibility of a guy seeing any part of your pussy on a date even if it was the 3rd but especially the first.

A real man would have offered to feed your squirrel his nuts. Besides, didn't your mother teach you not to layer clothing in the summer? Either go with the bikini bottom or the hair diaper - not both!

i dont understand the whole concept of shaving before every date, maybe thats because im not a **** who gives it up that easy, but whatever and as for shaving just to wear a swimsuit thats just as ridicules! maybe shes comfortable just the way she is, and theres nothing wrong with that!!!

S-I-M-P SQUIRRELS IN MY PANTS...actually YOUR pants lmaoooooo

always shave ur downstairs when you go to the beach. YDI