
By Marisela - 24/05/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, I was dumped by my boyfriend of 2 years. I'd been involved in an accident that severely hurt my right leg. As a result, I couldn't work out and gained 35 pounds, also due to stress eating and some meds I’m taking. Apparently I’m no longer attractive and he can’t have people thinking he’s a “chubby chaser.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 563
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wasn't the one. Very harsh of him but I'm glad you found out his true colors now.

Now he'll be known as a royal a-hole, but not a chubby chaser.


He wasn't the one. Very harsh of him but I'm glad you found out his true colors now.

Now he'll be known as a royal a-hole, but not a chubby chaser.

d j mom 6

at least he's gone now and you won't waste anymore precious time on him. Just imagine if you had married and he left you over baby weight!!!