By Claire - 29/09/2010 05:59 - Australia

Today, I went to the beach with this boy I like. Not thinking it'd be anything more than a simple date, I didn't shave my downstairs. We were sitting on a towel and I laid down. Then he said, "Is there a squirrel in your pants?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 107
You deserved it 43 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you knew how revealing your swimsuit would be, therefore if you could see more hair than you wanted to be seen, you should have dealt with it. Though if he gets freaked out by something natural, you might want to reconsider his maturity levels. Unless he was just joking.

billywhyte 0

BAHAHA! wait....was there really a squirrel?


danielleeycakes 3

uh I thought every girl knew that you're supposed to at least try to clean up "down there" when you're going to the beach... especially if you're going with a guy.

Ugh, I thought every girl had some self-esteem and knew they didn't have to prepare their ****** for penetration for just about any loser they meet once. It's the beach, not an orgy! Are you THAT desperate, #182?? OP didn't say she had an unkempt furry monster of a bikini area, just that she didn't shave lower down 'there'. (If the guy only saw it when she laid down, it's clear it was an intimate area, or he'd have been seeing it from the start...) Something the douche of a guy wouldn't even have noticed if his eyes had stayed where they were supposed to, btw... Crotch level is okay, staring in search of the the vaginal area is rather pathetic. If he's going to do it, he's gotta be discreet about it and not utter childish comments. Either that, or he's gotta get used to the idea his loser self is never going to lose his virginity, because no real man would have made such a comment...

skyttlz 32

I'm usually lazy about shaving except for bikini line that's what people could see. shave what could be seen if u were wearing undies

This is actually pretty funny. Good for you :)

Not shaving was the right choice. 1) You saved yourself the bother to shave for such a failure of a jerk. 2) You got to find out early on that he's a stupid little douche who will never get laid. Hopefully you could then proceed to drowning the loser in the sand and dumping his remains.

HeteroBear 0

Is the McfurBurger on the dollar menu?

that sucks...should have either worn swim shorts or just trimmed your bikini line at least

This is the single most hilarious thing I've read in about a week.. Lawl

HockeyBaibe 0

Ahahaha! This reminds me of that episode of Phineis and Ferb when Candece has Squirrels in her pant!!! hahaha Best show ever. Don't effing diss it!