By DMitch - 15/05/2011 19:29 - United States

Today, I went to Subway with my girlfriend. Just as the time came for her to pay, she went to the car to grab her purse. She didn't come back. I found a note on the windshield saying, "It's over." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 875
You deserved it 14 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude it's subway just pay for it and get over it. $5 footlongs duh!

Maybe it was because you couldn't give her a footlong?


steelersfan3250 0

that suck you should take the sandwiches have someone ding dong ditch her house and when she opens the door throw them at her XD

skyttlz 32

modern chivalry: you pay for one meal I pay for the next. maybe they are more realistic and realize that it's not fair for the guy to always have to pay. I pay for my boyfriend sometimes because I would feel bad if he always payed for me cuz I have money too so why should I let him waste his on me

This, and lol at all the people too dumb to realise that he could have paid for the last meal.

KatrinaKitten 16

I'm so sorry, that's a cowardly way to break up with someone. Indeed, FYL!!

Ludovit 2

"as the time came for her to pay the bill" ... so how often did she pay? From the way you put this, sounds like she pays for everything, if that's the case, no wonder she left.

chevyuser 0

...when it came time for HER to pay? no wonder you got dumped.

HahaYDI 0

I agree with most of the people here. I know it's considered sexist to some people but really, guys are supposed to pay. I don't know you, but from the looks of your story you're a bit of a douche.

FreebirdIII 1

Now you have to dishes for your sub. Good burn!