By DMitch - 15/05/2011 19:29 - United States

Today, I went to Subway with my girlfriend. Just as the time came for her to pay, she went to the car to grab her purse. She didn't come back. I found a note on the windshield saying, "It's over." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 875
You deserved it 14 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude it's subway just pay for it and get over it. $5 footlongs duh!

Maybe it was because you couldn't give her a footlong?


lalalaha 0

don't you know the guy is supposed to pay? grow some balls ya cheap douchebag.

maybe it's because you're supposed to pay asshole

nicoleanddrake 0

maybe you shoulda paid, and right now, you be getting laid.

chino627 0

I wasn't talking about penis I was calling him cheap for not buying the 5 dollar foot long shows wats on ur mind

Women want equal rights then they should pay just as much as the men must pay. Also OP, that sucks what happen to you.

mybfisanass 0

what kind of bf are u .. expecting her to pay for subways! u r pathetic

crystal0renee 0

wow. something is seriously wrong with her. seriously

RockstarRN 10

What did you do to piss her off?

YDI for not paying the bill, you unchivalrous jerk!

BAMF519 0

ummm yah not 2 b mean but.... um yah shes a bitch!