By DMitch - 15/05/2011 19:29 - United States

Today, I went to Subway with my girlfriend. Just as the time came for her to pay, she went to the car to grab her purse. She didn't come back. I found a note on the windshield saying, "It's over." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 875
You deserved it 14 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude it's subway just pay for it and get over it. $5 footlongs duh!

Maybe it was because you couldn't give her a footlong?


sexxiimissj 0

maybe if you woulda paid that never woulda happened asshole

0opsie 6

Why does everyone think the man should pay all the time? If it was a first date I agree that he should've paid for her, but it's his girlfriend. They probably have something worked out. Maybe he paid for something else before they went to Subway. Women can work and make their own money. What's wrong with an equal relationship? Maybe he IS an ass that makes her pay all the time, but none of you know that.

There's nothing stating that OP wasn't a girl.

saranottelling 7

It says below the story... "by DMitch (man)" So unless their lying about their gender...

FreebirdIII 1

to the right, it showed a male symbol. way to observe.

I think it's weird that people keep saying it was wrong to take her to Subway... she was his GIRLFRIEND, therefore I think it's safe to assume this wasn't their first date. You take the girl out to fancy places for the first few dates, but after you've been dating a while, anything works. Same goes for who pays for the date. At the beginning it is considered polite for the man to offer to pay, but after a while there's nothing wrong with splitting the check or letting the girl pay if she insists. That being said, fyl OP. That chick sounds like a bitch.

Riddles66 0

She prob thought it was a date and wanted you to be a gent and pay for her. Or she thought you called her fat...

XxDarkDavid321xX 1

I always thought you pay the bill first, then they give you the food.

when it's takeout yes but if you do stay "idk why you would" they will let you pay l8er

dude pay the bill. let me guess she was your first Girlfriend? don't you know the guy buys at lest until you've dated a year. at least that's the way I did it "& I'm still with her"

I have my doubts that she broke up with him because he didn't pay for her meal...but you never know I guess. If it IS the case that's pretty sad..I've gone out with quite a few girls that have actually become annoyed when I pay for their meals and stuff....I guess being a gentleman is frowned upon where I live =(

baby_dee97 8

at least she didn't take your car