By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 00:07 - United States

Today, I went to see "Black Swan" with my parents, not realizing that it was basically a porno. So I sat next to my dad while Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman had passionate lesbian sex on a twenty foot screen. And I'm pretty sure I heard the old guy behind us jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 869
You deserved it 7 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you think that qualifies as **** you obviously aren't a regular Internet user...

xFalzz 0

Thats why you should research movies before seeing them.


well I think this just sent thousands of people to go wach this movie

mrmerino 0

I heard sales of Kleenex and jergen's skyrocketed around the time the movie came out

sourgirl101 28

All I heard about the movie was that it was getting great reviews and that it was getting considered to be nominated for some awards. Thanks for the heads up on the sex scenes.

Natalie did win a golden globe for this :)

Apparently movie academies are impressed when women fake orgasms (see Halle Berry in Monster's Ball). The movie was pretty good, the sex scenes (there were two or three) were not gratuitous but they were pretty explicit. If you're squeamish, leave it out. Otherwise, it's an interesting psychological thriller.

RedPillSucks 31

Yeah. I hated that Halle Berry basically got an award for giving some guy head. I hated it more that the guy wasn't me. I wasn't going to see Black Swan before, but now, I might. Perhaps not with the wife and kids though.

The lesbian sex scene was the best. I've always had a crush on Mila Kunis she's perfect! Lucky Portman!! Oh and ydi, next time look up a review.

I'm sorry, but YDI for thinking it was a Porno. the movie as a whole would make for a great discussion on the artistic use of those things that make us most uncomfortible. maybe you should try it you may be able to get your parents into as uncomfortible of a state as getting the sex or drugs talk from them. too bad about the guy behind you, maybe he just dropped his drink.

MrsLender_fml 3

Watching sex scenes with parents is always awkward but at least the old guy was there to break the tension... right?

Did Portman use her Golden Globe on Kunis during the scene? Impromptu prop change!

Wow I want to see the movie now :). Even though my memories of Star Wars Episode 1 got a little worse, as when I was 7 I had a crush on Padme (if that is who she played). "blush"

MrsLender_fml 3

Watching sex scenes with parents is always awkward but at least the old guy was there to break the tension..... right?

emodude44 0

That movie scared the crap out of me. but that scene was REALLY hot...