By Langdon - 15/05/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, I went to the midnight premiere of Angels and Demons. A hobo wandered into the theater and sat down behind me. I paid $10 to spend two and a half hours listening to a crazy man talk to himself and kick my chair while he loudly masturbated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 785
You deserved it 9 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get him kicked out? Idiot...

WickedAwsum 0

Well #1, we don't like you. You could have gotten a person who worked there to get him removed or something, or move seats?


firsttttttt sorry always wanted to do that..

capgray 0

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jebby011 0

you ******* idiot there's like 4 months between o.p's story than your post.

Why didn't the hobo spend the 10$ on food instead of a show?

WickedAwsum 0

Well #1, we don't like you. You could have gotten a person who worked there to get him removed or something, or move seats?

mypubes are in corn rows nowthat I read this fml

flighted 1

right? I put YDI because had some guy behind me and probably other people masturbated and kicked my chair in the movie I would have marched right up to security or someone working there

Maybe get him kicked out? Idiot...

I was tempted to say YDI for seeing such a terrible movie but I'll be nice.

And it didnt occur to you to move? You could have done it subtlety by pretending to nip to the loo or get a drink then come back and watch the film from another (empty) seat

StayPlation2011 0

you could've at least joined him. poor hobo. all alone. LOL jk nasty.. that's why you should always cary some lysol spray.. just spray him and he'll run away.. they don't like clean.

claiireee1 0

.....why didn't you move...?