By Anonymous - 04/10/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I went to my Homecoming dance. I had a great time until some fat girl kept trying to dance with my date, even though he politely asked her to stop. I decided to intervene. I found myself pinned to the floor by a fat girl crushing on my date, who was cheering her on as she tackled me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 442
You deserved it 94

Top comments

Did someone have to tempt her off you with a McDonalds happy meal?

AliMarie 0

How did you decide to "intervene"? Probably not a good idea to start shit with people who are double your size . . .


Haha, me too. But I like the part where the guy cheers more! :D Op, sucks to be you though...

kevick93 0

of course he cheered, fat girls fighting is hillarious!!

that doesn't suck! i would TOTALLY love to be pinned by a fat girl! (*is an FA*)

the illustrated fml of this is pretty funny :)

so, what do you want us to do about it?

it's icky to be sat on by a heavyweight......have you no sympathy? i can't imagine how it feels to be pinned down by fatty butts, but i've been crushed by a heavy muscly guy when we were play-wristling...

The Blob and the Hulk are two totally different animals hon....

Allornone 35

Well, I can't say for sure, but I imagine OP wants us to click on "Your life sucks" and then make some interesting and/or funny comments relating to their plight, just like any other FML.

Did someone have to tempt her off you with a McDonalds happy meal?

sk8erlife25 0

Yeah fat chicks do NEED love as well ... they dont deserve it tho XD

jts2 3

In the words of Glenn Quagmire, "Fat chicks need love too!.. They just have to pay.."

no they don't, they are demon spawn that must be banished from the human realm.

Yes. Go now. I'll get the crucifix and a wooden stake.

Flutist 3

(I feel bad about this comment) But would a stake work, wouldn't you need a sharp spear to get through all the fat layers?

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How's she a bitch if some whale was trying to steal her date? :D

i can see where #4 is coming from. the point is another chick tried to steal her date. doesn't matter if that chick was fat or skinny. i think the OP reiterated that the other chick was fat too many times. and THAT"S WHY she sounds like a bitch. but yeah. i'd be pissed too if someone was trying to steal my date too! lol

xanth 0

Who says she was trying to steal her date? They were at a "dance" and and she wanted to dance with him. He should have been polite and just gave her a dance. And who knows what she said when she "intervened", maybe she was a total bitch and deserved to be sat on.

i_got_it 0

If the girl was fat, why would she even try to fight her... somebody needs to light some bud before they go to homecoming.

expen_dable 0

everyone who gets pissed at this FML is fat themselves

if somebody tried to steal my date i'd open up a can of whoop ass!! >:O

americayay 0

Eh. It's bitchy to refer to her as the "fat girl" 8 times. Odds are, when she intervened, those words were involved, so YDI OP. You were at a dance. People tend to dance at those things. Anyone else thinking that she's probably an unpleasant person if her homecoming date wants to see her get her ass kicked?

#80, what if you forgot to bring the can opener?

He shouldn't have to dance with the other girl if he doesn't want to, #62. He politely refused a few times, and "the other girl" should have gotten the hint. At that point, the date has every right to intervene. . . even be rude. She is being rude by continuing to bother the two people who actually went together.

#61 Well, part of the FML was that she was SAT ON by the girl, so it'd make sense to reiterate that point.

Flutist 3

Who SITS on people? i don't care what the deal was, who cares who was rude or not. The fat girl/chubby girl didn't have a date, she had the right to ask someone to dance. But she didn't have the right to get mad at the girl who the boy actually asked to the dance. Yea sucks to be solo, but you can bring a big group of friends and dance together. Op had the right to "stake her claim" and the right not to be embarrassed like that. But who knows what she said? She might have called the girl fat and made such a big stink her date was happy she shut up.

Thing is, if she didn't mention fat, no one would be able to sympathize with the pain of her sitting on her, lets get a fat chick and make her sit on you...well unless you would like that

lovelyloan 0

Throw a cake as far as you can and yell out "Fetch!"

or throw it at her face and yell out "bitch"

This sounds so fake. I highly doubt any girl, fat or otherwise, would start a fight with you - especially at homecoming and especially if you don't even know her.

You'd be surprised that people actually do.

That's so weird...I wouldn't know about over in America. But here in Oz we have formals (same idea) and everyone is on their best behaviour - No one would start a fight AT the formal. Maybe the after party, hmmmmm

haha, especially since most of our year 10 formals include teachers... =|

#45 OMG YOU LIVE IN OZ?!?!?!? Holy crap. I would totally move there and dress like Dorothy all day every day.

ahahahaha i live in OZ too, but the last time i was walking along a yellow path was when i was visiting the hospital and that's how you'd get there ... MATE :D

I hate it when people call Australia Oz. Aus is ok.

Flutist 3

Well I have cousins from Oz. Can't take them anywhere. Houses fall on people, your shoes get stolen, and the bitch with the little dog always has like four dates. I might have wanted to help the Tin Man get his heart. But NO, that ***** dorothy has to hop her way down the yellow brick road and steal him.

Well there is a thing called alcohol...

AliMarie 0

How did you decide to "intervene"? Probably not a good idea to start shit with people who are double your size . . .

Amortifiedperson 0

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OH MAN I HATE FAT PEOPLE SO MUCH! they're so fat, and uh, wobbly. how's that, hypoxxia? :P

The real question is are they wobbly wobbly?