By angry - 28/06/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I went to go get a new ID because my wallet was stolen, which had my social security card in it as well. I found out that to get your ID you have to have your social security card, and to get your social security card, you need your ID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 081
You deserved it 8 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You probably shouldn't be carrying around your SS card though..


cebaugh 0

that happens to my comm teacher

Wow ******* retard. You NEVER leave your SS card in your wallet- you hide it, preferably in a safe, and memorize it. YDI so bad.

u can print a form off line and using ur parents socials u can get a new one for ur self. and if on of them goes to the court house with an id u can get a new birth certificate. i have been in that boat!

This is like a graveyard of comments.

All the comments have died this is epic

alexgisforme3 0

damn like none of the comments show

alwaysalady 0

You might have to go to the FBI. They will have to fully investigate your entire life story before you get anything back , especially if someone tried to open things in your names

Lilyoda_fml 0

^This is epic. xD OP: I carry my SSC in my wallet but I also the number memorized, I carry it in just in case I need it. But, I learned my lesson in case my wallet gets stolen.

wtf with the comments. this is just like the FML with somebody's car getting impounded and her needing it to take a smog test or something... try being original.