By angry - 28/06/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I went to go get a new ID because my wallet was stolen, which had my social security card in it as well. I found out that to get your ID you have to have your social security card, and to get your social security card, you need your ID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 081
You deserved it 8 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You probably shouldn't be carrying around your SS card though..


WTF would you carry your SSC on you, unless you KNOW you need it that day for a job or something? YDI for lacking common sense.

Go take your driving test again lol

thelarkscaw 0

What the **** is going on.

cherry_blossom 0

It's not necessarily a stolen FML. The same thing happened to my dance teacher. I don't remember why she had her SSC on her, but she was at her friend's house and her purse was stolen from her car. Crazy thing was, it was right next to a busy street and it was during the day. She was only at the house for about 10 minutes. Believe it or not, this kind of stuff really does happen, buddy.

who carries around their ss card? idiot.

2 words: birth certificate. problem solved

ellbtvsvm 0

I like how people are assuming it's stolen, as if something vaguely similar can't happen to two people.

randomoutburst 0

Huh. So this happened to me in March. I submitted it. Apparently it's popular enough to be voted onto the first page three months later when someone else submits it. :-P

what page it's on has nothing to do with votes - comments are posted in chronological order. you seriously never noticed that??

Nai_fml 0

They meant that the submitted an FML like this one three months ago, but it didn't make it onto the site. Reading comprehension fail.