By angry - 28/06/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I went to go get a new ID because my wallet was stolen, which had my social security card in it as well. I found out that to get your ID you have to have your social security card, and to get your social security card, you need your ID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 081
You deserved it 8 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You probably shouldn't be carrying around your SS card though..


Penguin21 0

What kind of retard carries their SS card in their wallet. Have you ever heard of identity theft? This is pretty much the easiest way for someone to get ALL of your info. YDI.

thelarkscaw 0

why do they even get buried if we can just click to see them? all comments should just be posted. it's the internet, come on.

foxeh 0

haha this has happened to me before and it sucks (except it wasn't stolen, I just couldn't find it - & I was getting my ID for the first time). probably not the best idea to keep it in your wallet, but, whatever. and woah, why are all the comments buried??

onealhart54 0

then nobody could get either one you ******* retard

just a hint, you can use your birth certificate as a form of identification to get both.

Why are all the comments buried? Its really annoying.....

same exact thing happened to me....lost my license, passport, And social security card...i had to go on my college id

why do you carry your ss card around? you dont put it in your wallet for this exact reason.