By angry - 28/06/2009 21:05 - United States

Today, I went to go get a new ID because my wallet was stolen, which had my social security card in it as well. I found out that to get your ID you have to have your social security card, and to get your social security card, you need your ID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 081
You deserved it 8 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. You probably shouldn't be carrying around your SS card though..


fml27 0

um no thats not how it works. u apply for a duplicate. u need to know ur ssn but dnt need ur card. and to #59 it says on the thing its attached to 'keep in wallet or purse" ppl who read directions carry it around

cellist1 0

Yes, but still, it's unwise to carry around any vital records like that. You should memorize your number and then put your card somewhere safe.

randomoutburst 0

And actually, to get your ID you just need a "primary" form of identification - an old DL, a passport, or your SS Card and birth certificate. Since you have to send off your birth certificate and didn't have your SS card or DL, and you're waiting on a passport, THAT'S why you can't get a new one. Yeah, it sucks to not have a DL for a couple months while you wait on your passport. And #65, the new SS cards do NOT say to keep it in your wallet or purse...if you have a newer one, check it. My husband's is old and says to, but my new one actually instructs the opposite.

cartering 0

Hmm, every comment that points out that there are other forms of ids has too many negative votes to be shown, and this was just posted. Anyone else think the OP might have multiple accounts and is downvoting any comment he doesn't like with them

quackquackquac 0

Why is every comment "bad"?!?!? anyways, this one reminded me of the car impounded one...

TheUnnamedOne 0

People really must be talking some shit. 8| To the OP--this might be a prime opportunity to create a false identity. You never know when it might come in handy. =)

No, actually, NOBODY is talking shit. They're all just buried because of some random jackass.

Super_Geek_fml 0

Lol that sucks. Why would you even carry your social with you? Not a smart move. o.O

That sucks, but YDI. Seriously, they even warn you when you /get/ a SIN number to keep it in a safe place and not carry it with you in your wallet. And there is no reason why all your ID should be in your wallet. If you aren't bright enough to keep this stuff somewhere safe at home when you've even been told to do so, it's hard to feel sorry for you.