By hoplessG - 24/12/2009 23:37 - United States

Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend. I told her best friend the plan the day before. I got reservations to a restaurant on the beach, and we were going to arrive via boat. She never showed. Her parents called me asking why she left town to go to Paris. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 700
You deserved it 3 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Elissaa_fml 0

why would you tell her best friend? thats the worst person to tell. YDI.

Whew! Be glad you dodged a bullet there. If you would've proposed, she might've accepted just to please you, then eventually would cheat on you with your best friend, her boss, any random guy, because she was in a loveless marriage, and then file for divorce and leave you with the kids you forced on her. Now you are free!


Elissaa_fml 0

why would you tell her best friend? thats the worst person to tell. YDI.

agreeing with elissaa. why would you tell her best friend who is bound to let your girlfriend know eventually...?

Really...girls don't keep secrets unless they really have to, and even then that's iffy.

Sun_Kissed18 25

I wouldn't tell my best friend! Its the day before and if I knew she was happy, I'd keep the secret. But if I knew she wasn't happy, then I'd tell her, giving her time to skip the country. Haha, that was actually really harsh but still.

Reyo 2

That and the extremely plausible "I'm jealous that she's in a relationship and I'm not, so I'm gonna sabotage it at any chance I get" scenario.

Yeah, if I thought my best friend was about to get proposed to by somebody she really wanted to marry, I would never tell. If it was somebody who I thought she didn't want to marry, I'd be loaning her money for a plane ticket. It just wasn't meant to be. Perhaps you were moving too fast. Try to talk to her honestly, straighten things out, and slow down! There's a serious problem if she had no idea you were going to propose yet, and then she felt she had to fly across the planet.

Shadowvoid 33

I'll give you 3 options. 1. America 2.The United States 3. The Land of the "Free" Which do you think it is?

christttinaaaxo 0

yes, seriously shouldnt have told her bestfriend, but, FYL anyway. :(

Good news: You are not the father of the baby!

Whew! Be glad you dodged a bullet there. If you would've proposed, she might've accepted just to please you, then eventually would cheat on you with your best friend, her boss, any random guy, because she was in a loveless marriage, and then file for divorce and leave you with the kids you forced on her. Now you are free!

Please tell me where in sams heck you got that out of OP's FML?

Ya this seems to detailed. Do you need to talk about it?

Wintermelons 19

That's what you get for not being able to see into the future. /sarcasm

joeyl2008 29

No sarcasm necessary. He could have easily "seen into the future" if he discussed getting married with his gf. That way he would know how she felt prior to proposing. Which is the more intelligent way to go because it will prevent someone from sayin something they regret in the heat of the moment.

Rofl you got owned but at least you know what your girlfriend is like!

Maybe she went to paris to see what an uncircumsized dinky is like before commiting to you, or maybe she went to paris after hearing about the ring you were going to give her! You know, to find a nice cartier ring. Zing!