By I_Am_The_Cold - 02/12/2015 09:00 - Canada - Maple Ridge

Today, I realized how much of an invisible artist I am when I got a little excited when someone stole my art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 709
You deserved it 1 997

I_Am_The_Cold tells us more.

Original Poster here. I made an account a long time ago and used this bad occurrence as a last ditch effort to get an FML up. I gave up on my account and posted anonymously, so, here I am. Yes, some fool stole my art and posted it to their site claiming it as their own. I got a bit excited that someone liked my art enough to do SOMETHING with it, but then a few minutes later, the logic set in. It's down now, thankfully.

Top comments

Don't worry OP. At least someone found it valuable if they wanted to steal it!

Psycocharger 19

That obviously means it's awesome art, maybe they'll try to resell it ;)


Don't worry OP. At least someone found it valuable if they wanted to steal it!

I can't help but disagree. Stealing is stealing. The thief could have cited or gave credit to the original artist if they had any respect for the creator/creation. As it is, they are claiming someone else's effort and hard work as their own.

clearly they thought it was good enough to even be worth claiming as their own in the first place. so you really just kind of helped his case.

Psycocharger 19

That obviously means it's awesome art, maybe they'll try to resell it ;)

It's ok OP, no one recognized Van Gogh until after he died. So maybe all you need to do is die and people will notice your art!

I bow down to your logic! That's truly exceptional!

I bow down to your logic! That's truly exceptional!

And be the most crazy bastard of the Era. it might help to see things that don't exist as well. "good luck to you on your voyage through artistdom may the crazy be ever in your favor"


you capitalize Era but not capitalize the beginnings of your latter 2 (2nd & 3rd) sentences.??

DeltaDragonxx 20

I believe your username answers that question, 4.

If you sign your art ppl who know its yours if the robber tries to sell it now whether they give it back is the question

That...hardly made any sense. And just so you know, people can cover your signature. I've had it happen to me, which is unfortunately why now a days there's a huge watermark over photos and photos of art.

Since when are people only able to sell art that is their own?

Art thieves tend to steal art online, not paintings or physical, and steal it to sell prints or such. The art belongs to the artist and they have the right to it unless they give permission or sell it to someone else. Some art thieves also don't even sell it, just want to look better than they are. Which is still stealing but a lesser degree. All is extremely disrespectful to artists and I've seen many artists ready to quit because of it.

I have signatures on all of my art. Art thieves cover them so that people think they were the ones that did the art. I've gotten my art stolen, the person sold prints of it, and it took a while until somebody notified me of what had happened. Its not that they 'give it back', its just that you have to fight with them until they agree to take it down.

UserError94 18

Maybe you should try and use your ability for something else invisibility man. With great power come great responsibility

Congratulations. They'll sale it for millions.


NO! O.P. will sale it for millions!