By fmlmao - 28/01/2017 12:00

Today, I was feeling depressed, so I decided to go snowboarding with friends to cheer myself up. I fell on the first trail and broke my dominant wrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 847
You deserved it 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...this is not a good FML to read on a day when I'm planning to take my first snowboarding lesson

On the plus side, now you can learn to be ambidextrous.


On the plus side, now you can learn to be ambidextrous.

...this is not a good FML to read on a day when I'm planning to take my first snowboarding lesson

ExtremeEncounter 32

My first time got moved from today to next weekend.

Good luck! I didn't break anything but it was definitely tough. Falling down and getting back up probably like 30 times is quite the workout

You will be okay Get a grip with the other hand... at least for a while

Adapt before natural selection takes you out. But hey, being ambidextrous sounds cool right?

Oh darn, it seems we've lost the use of the crank mit. Time to get acquainted with the stranger connected to your other arm.

cootiequeen4444 11

I broke my left wrist in grade school and I'm a lefty and I could still kinda write with my left hand, a bit messier than usual as my wrist wasn't movable creating an obstacle. Still better than my right handed writing, however. Though it was kinda close... My dom/left handed writing with even a healthy wrist my hand writing was a bit on the chicken scratch side of things..

DatPurpleCow 11

I understand. I was going skiing, and before I even got to the ski lift, my ski got caught in the snow, causing me to fall and sprain my MCL, and bruise the bone. I had to be in a brace for 2.5 months