By van no gough - 22/03/2015 00:07 - United States - Springfield

Today, I went out with two friends for lunch. The van we took ran out of fuel, so we pushed it to a nearby gas station, a gas station suffering from a gas shortage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 421
You deserved it 3 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

If you call a tow truck, they usually have extra gas with them in case of emergency.


Well if all else fails, you can use water or apple juice.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Uh if you wanna **** up your engine.. sure. how do I know this and you dont? I am car dumb!!! op.. clever name though.

Whatever gave you the idea that using water or apple juice(mostly water) in an internal "combustion" engine was ever going to be a good idea? SMH

ExtremeEncounter 32

I think people take what people say on this site WAY too literally.

incoherentrmblr 21

Like this if you think the title of the FML was nice!...

You must be pretty gassed after this expedition.

giantsfan2010 23

If you call a tow truck, they usually have extra gas with them in case of emergency.

Moments like these make great "remember when.." stories at social gatherings.

Yea, it must be pretty tiring. If you haven't eaten you probably need more fuel before you can move it again.

If this is a YDI or not really depends on how low whoever used it last left it

No. It really is just a failure to check the gas gauge. It sucks yes, but it's also completely preventable.

taybear0 14

OP cant do anything about how low her friends let their gas take get, its not her job to monitor the fuel gauge