By Japaroni - 15/09/2011 07:42 - United States

Today, I went out on my back patio at night to skinny dip. I live on the intracoastal, and as I was walking towards my pool, the police were doing a random search. From a boat with a spotlight. At least their whistles told me they liked the birthday suit I had on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 919
You deserved it 9 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the start of a **** movie. Cop: 'Scuse me, but we're looking for a dangerous criminal. OP: Sorry officer, I haven't seen anything. Cop: Ma'am, I'd like to frisk you. OP: Oh yes, search and seize me!!


Sounds like the start of a **** movie. Cop: 'Scuse me, but we're looking for a dangerous criminal. OP: Sorry officer, I haven't seen anything. Cop: Ma'am, I'd like to frisk you. OP: Oh yes, search and seize me!!

leadman1989 15

Knight stick might end up where that bottle is. q:

My guessing ur a girl and the guys were cops

asianinvasionn6 0

Hey you never kno what of the cops were girls an it was a guy or it was a guy swimming and the cops were gay or being sarcastic DIDNT THINK ABOUT THAT DID YOU

perdix 29

Don't flatter yourself. You could be a pig and they'd still whistle to butter you up. They are hoping you don't file a complaint about their blatant violation of your civil rights.

trellz17 19

Cops...smh. There really are only a FEW really good cops out here today.

Mourningstar 4

Well, it could be worse. They could have tried to harpoon you thinking you were a beached whale! At least you look nice enough to whistle at!

That0therguy 4

Why would they try to harpoon a beached whale?

buckeye08 10

That would of been super awkward if they arrested you. Naked.

jaredofmo 22

Are you a guy or a girl? Either way, they thought you were HOTTT...