By thetheatreguy - 26/02/2009 14:56 - Canada

Today, I went on the best date I've been on in years. Later on, over drinks we get talking and I explain how I came out to my friends and family. When I ask him how he came out, he replies that he isn't gay, and oh, did I think this was a date? FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 674
You deserved it 12 839

Same thing different taste

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How did you manage to arrange a date with someone who didn't know it was a date?

Look on the bright side: you had a fun time at least. On the not so bright side: Oh dear god.


How did you manage to arrange a date with someone who didn't know it was a date?

pu13 5

73 and 74 ur assholes it's not his fault

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oh god the gay debate. I strongly think all gays , lesbians, and bisexuals, have all the same rights as straight people. there's nothing wrong with them. it's just who they choose to love. :)

and that's why 84 is my new best friend

loludeserveit 0

as a straight dude, gay/bi dudes are funny as shit, and I would be in a bad place, wardrobe-wise, without them. bi/lesbian women are just plain ******' hot, regardless what race, age, etc they are. (except old, wrinkly, excessively fat, or otherwise ******' disgusting) kthxbai

@73, 74, 76, 79, and 82. They still make you people?

wow, you guys all suck. there's nothing wrong with being gay.

Look on the bright side: you had a fun time at least. On the not so bright side: Oh dear god.

Been there :( It can be hard to tell when 85% of the world assumes everyone is straight, so there's no way you could possibly be interested in them.

Is Gaydar a myth? I'm sincerely curious and asking.

I'm a lesbian and while I can spot gay men a mile off, I have the hardest time telling who is and isn't a lesbian.

me too but the problem is im not sure if im lez or not

He's probably just still in the closet. Keep at him ;)

From a fellow gay guy without gaydar to another, i totally feel for ya. This is my WORST nightmare. But, if u got that far with him, he is probably on the fence himself, so i would not let that one go if i were u.

Tweety122888 0

eat if he just wants a friend. I have a lez friend and I hang out with her and it doesn't mean I like her like that

Gay people don't automatically have superb Gaydars? Wow I'm blissfully ignorant.

TechnoAllah 0

Today, I grabbed a cup of coffee with a buddy of mine. Turns out he thought it was a date. I'm straight. FML