By whymanwhy - 13/04/2015 10:43 - Czech Republic

Today, I went on a date with a cute guy I met at a bookstore. He stood up and said he was leaving when I said that I didn't like 50 Shades of Grey, because he, "doesn't want to be near a bitch who doesn't know her place". He then told me to give him a ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 192
You deserved it 3 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drive him further away from his house and kick him out.

If I were you I would have left my date there and been done. At least you didn't put forth years of energy and sacrifice before you discovered he's a P.O.S.


Drive him further away from his house and kick him out.

#10: Yeah! And gag him with a silk tie.

krazayman 18

bro #38 you just went 0 to 100 reeal quick

gag 113 and put him in the trunk next to him

Hope you said "Sorry bitches who don't know their own place don't give assholes a ride home"

If I were you I would have left my date there and been done. At least you didn't put forth years of energy and sacrifice before you discovered he's a P.O.S.

Indeed it's good he showed himself so early.

Agreed! Seems like she dodged a bullet there..

And obviously refuse to drive him. You're a "bitch who doesn't know her place", after all

**** him and his ride sweetie, you deserve better.

Any woman who is told to "know her place" deserves better. I hope she did what #1 said.

mtrrace 4

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That's not even what BDSM is about, the slave has all the power, it's empowering not an excuse to be a chauvinist pig

#27 Please do not degrade pigs by comparing them to garbage . I rather respect and love bacon.

mtrrace 4

I didn't say what he wants is good ?

#42 But you are justifying his actions, and there is never any justification for being an asshole.

JMichael 25

Did you kick the shit out of him?

MzZombicidal 36

If he was my date, he would have been 50 Shades of ****** Up.

I really hope you didn't give him a ride!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Should've let him find his own way home.

Bulldozer36 21

What the actual ****? Douchey McDouche needs to learn his place.

Did you tell him you'd give him a ride on the new Footup Yourass Express? Conveniently located on your right shoe.