By disgusted - 23/02/2010 18:09 - United States

Today, I went into my parents room to empty their wastebasket. Next to it and around their bed, I found tissues that were soaked in an unknown sticky substance. I had to pick them up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 442
You deserved it 3 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It was your dad's semen mixed with either your mom's vaginal secretions or her saliva if she gave him a ******** and spat. YWIA, I am always glad to help people identify unknown bodily fluids.

nomnommonster 0

it was the syrup from their midnight snack.


bigpapi210 0

that's so dumb OP, why do you have to pick up the tissues? ur dumb ass just shoulda left them on the floor, YDI

It's probably just snot. Everyone knows that parents never have sex.

EmmaMarieCullen 0
babybear808 0

no u didn't... that's just messed up!!

wowwww people go way into this kind of stuff I mean seriously TMI.

punisher113 0

why did u have too? and if they tried to make you u shouldve told em to **** off, that's what I wouldve done

intolerance 0

unknown sticky substance? cleaning ur parents bedroom? still doing chores for ur allowance? fail unless ur parents just finished the deed

Jman0509 0

my dad when he is sick keeps the trash next to his bed and puts his snot tissue in it so he doesn't have to move much. maybe it was just that.

or mommy could have put some weird sex toy sunglasses on dads crotch area and his shlong was the nose so i guess daddy needed the tissue for his "runny" nose

You did not have to do that. Not even a little bit. What are your parents going to say, "How dare you not clean up our dirty tissues?" Doubt it.

buttshapedfruit 0