By disgusted - 23/02/2010 18:09 - United States

Today, I went into my parents room to empty their wastebasket. Next to it and around their bed, I found tissues that were soaked in an unknown sticky substance. I had to pick them up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 442
You deserved it 3 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It was your dad's semen mixed with either your mom's vaginal secretions or her saliva if she gave him a ******** and spat. YWIA, I am always glad to help people identify unknown bodily fluids.

nomnommonster 0

it was the syrup from their midnight snack.


Rawrzie 0

0.o I told them not to buy that midgut juice !

RawrGirl96 4
Kayaker96 3

Mucus you know cause people blow their noses in tissues?

rubyliu8420 7

Why did you "have" to pick them up? I would've told them that's above your pay grade.