By unlucky - 03/09/2014 17:40 - United States - Cold Spring

Today, I was working at the daycare. As I left with my boyfriend, a kid came up to us and said that my boyfriend could do way better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 758
You deserved it 3 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you let the opinion of a kid in daycare bother you, you're gonna have a bad time

Tell him his parents could've done way better.


PoisonOrchid 21

Gotta love other people's kids, huh? I give you credit for being able to work in a day care. I couldn't do it.

lilbillXD 16

Well some kids don't know what they are talking about and repeat what they hear especially curse words.

They say children and dogs have the best judgement of character....

Misswildsides 22

I think you need a smack upside the head for even thinking about smacking a kid.

That little kid must little to a lot of Drake.

Kids don't even understand relationships or most grown up things. Just ignore the little brat and live your life how you please.

cryssycakesx3 22

jesus #6, seriously? you'd smack a kid, who is still young enough to be in daycare, upside the head? for simply *saying* something, innocently, and probably without knowing what it even means. you sir(loosely), are vapid. do the world a favor, never have kids. you are a sad, sorry, pathetic excuse for a human being, if you think hitting a small child for such a silly reason is acceptable. you should be ashamed of yourself. I despise people whose first reaction is to hit their kid, no matter what they did.