By iamnotfat - 06/02/2009 22:14 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's work to surprise him. When I got there, I called him on his phone to tell him to turn around. I saw him look at his phone. His co-worker next to him asked who that was. He replied, "Just this fat chick I know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 760
You deserved it 4 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxLorniklexX 0

punch him in the throat and move on, hun.

Hey, don't stress it. There are plenty of great guys out there.


Hey, don't stress it. There are plenty of great guys out there.

fat people are like slinkies.....not good for much, but fun to watch tumble down stairs... try sticking your fingers down your throat

XxLorniklexX 0

punch him in the throat and move on, hun.

Fat/Ugly people can be attractive ;] Trust me, I WOULD KNOW.

lhazz11 23

Your first sentence is a contradiction.

The part that is contradictory is saying ugly people can be attractive. Those who could lose a few can still be attractive. Just because it may not be your personal taste to date someone that's a bit heavy, doesn't mean they just aren't attractive people. People like you, that make these statements trying to make others feel bad about themselves, are unattractive.

PresidentNorth 16

You are way oversensitive Lol.

alex_vik 0

Hey, maybe he didn't want his buddy to know who it was.

#2 is a genius for getting it also, no sympathy for fatties

Lol ya stupid bitch she clearly was not asking for sympathy. Lol fair enough no sympathy to some over weight people, but for others it may not be the fault for their weight. Oh and another thing it is wrong to call people fatties you disrespectful little shit.

You'd think he was joking. What would be the entire point of saying that otherwise? If he wasn't close enough with his coworker to say it was you, what would it matter who he said was on the phone?

o_o; Talk to him about it... I wouldn't dump him without talking to him first.