By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, I was working at a portrait studio and was taking pictures of a little girl, I kept telling the girl to stop making silly faces when she smiles because her eyes go cross-eyed. After the third time I said it her mom grabbed the little girl and left. Turns out, she was naturally cross-eyed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 537
You deserved it 58 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well its not really your fault, the mom didnt tell you, who isnt gonna naturally assume that a little kid is making faces when they cross their eyes?


Seriously, how the hell were you supposed to know??

I agree if you were not informed by her mother how should you know it was natural. Unless she took of glasses which are usually given to those who suffer this (ie my grandpa), FYL

well its not really your fault, the mom didnt tell you, who isnt gonna naturally assume that a little kid is making faces when they cross their eyes?

Chaith 16

I was expecting this FML to take a different direction after the first 20 words.

ilovewine 0

why say it three times... i would have only said it once or twice and then go on with the photos.

That seems like kind of a bitchy thing of her to do. The least she could have done was explained to you after the first time you said it.

moosey1234 0

ouch why didn't they tell u??? thts weird. . .feel bad for the kid...

xixifwadi 0

How many times do you think the mom has to explain that something is wrong about her child? After a while it starts to get to you. Imagine the moms pain and the kids. It sucks to be noticabley different when you arnt even trying.

I get your point, however, in a situation like this it would have been beneficial if the mom had said something. She could have called ahead so it wouldn't embarrass her daughter or spoken privately to the photographer that day. I don't think the mother handled this situation very well.