By greattt - 10/02/2009 21:15 - United States

Today, I went to get my school picture taken, when the photographer looked at me, saying, "You look like you need a mirror." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 174
You deserved it 3 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NekoHakase 0

Say you had major bed-head. Wouldn't you rather be told BEFORE you take the picture?


GeekInThePink 0

and then you respond i tried but it broke when it saw your face.

iReneMayhem 0

awww what did you tell him??

Did you look in the mirror before you left to go to school?

NekoHakase 0

Say you had major bed-head. Wouldn't you rather be told BEFORE you take the picture?

I thought he was going to say "You have a face como un burro!".