By Anonymous - 19/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 5-year-old girl and we were coloring. She made me a card that was very sweet, so I smiled. She looked at me and went "Don't smile, your smile is really scary." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 712
You deserved it 5 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bnomis 0

Aww, what a precious little bitc- I mean girl. I love kids, but I couldn't eat a whole one.

BRB, lolling forever. I'm sorry, that's hilarious. Don't take it too seriously, 5 year olds think tons of things are scary.


maximumpower 4

FIRST! ouch. Im sure you don't look that creepy!

bnomis 0

Aww, what a precious little bitc- I mean girl. I love kids, but I couldn't eat a whole one.

Aw. I'm sure you don't look creepy, kids just say things like that because they haven't learned not to yet.

BRB, lolling forever. I'm sorry, that's hilarious. Don't take it too seriously, 5 year olds think tons of things are scary.

brymarc 0

used to happen to my sister and her toddler son all the time ... hahaha

turtlellama 0

Now you know. Would you have rather this happened now and be prepared, or have this told to you by a potential girlfriend/boyfriend? (Today, I smiled at my girlfriend/boyfriend and s/he said "Don't smile, your smile is really scary. FML) brother has actually said the same thing to me before =/

DanielleWolf 0

Exactly. OP probably just had a big mouth that kinda overwhelmed the lil scardy cat