By Rachael - 30/11/2012 07:29 - Australia

Today, I was woken up by my elderly neighbor banging on my door at 2am. She needed "urgent" assistance as she had forgotten how to turn her TV off. I'd just fallen asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 119
You deserved it 1 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be too hard on the elderly. That just might be you one day.

Goddamn remotes are confusing no matter who you are.


Oh COMON ! That is really not fml worthy

SApprentice 34

I could see how she could consider that urgent. Elderly people tend to have a great deal of mental problems, and I imagine the panic could become very severe if she honestly couldn't remember how to make that screaming noise box shut up. It's really sad actually. I hope you went to help her without fussing at her, OP.

I don't blame the neighbor for forgetting either. My TV remote has 40+ buttons on it that I have no idea what they do. I think they are just there to fill space and annoy people, regardless of age!

badbaby_87 5

Aw, I think she probably just wanted someone to talk to.

She's not able to remember basic things. Its more of FHL. Feel proud of yourself for helping her op :). Like the people above said you may get onto her will and these small things could get you real big things.

You better help her out OP. She one day might hold you up at gun point and mug you. This good deed might persuade her not to do that.

Neighbor needs THE CLAPPER. Clap on. Clap off.

RedPillSucks 31

Meh, Could be worse. Could be a bad case of Ambien.. *Today, I woke up banging my elderly neighbor...*

At least she remembered where you live .

nachosbabygurl 9