Landlords are social parasites

By Anonymous - 30/08/2020 07:01 - United Kingdom

Today, in the middle of a pandemic, which has made it impossible for me to get a job for the last 4 months, my landlord has decided the one thing I need is a rental increase. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 801
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I check with your city and state to see if they passed emergency legislation prohibiting rent increases until after the pandemic. A lot of places did

It would fit nicely with the theme of 2020 so far.


It would fit nicely with the theme of 2020 so far.

He should be grateful that he had a loyal tenant that has been paying rent. I would approach him to ask if he could hold off for 6 months if you need time to financially recover, it’s not as if he could evict you at the moment (due to the government rental scheme).

Sady_Ct 37

Doesn’t that also freeze rent prices? You could effectively ‘evict someone’ simply by increasing rent beyond their means otherwise.

I check with your city and state to see if they passed emergency legislation prohibiting rent increases until after the pandemic. A lot of places did

Are places that are open not hiring? I imagine there has to be something.

but then it becomes an issue of supply and demand. there isn't enough jobs, also you don't know ops feild, level of education, or how much rent is. ops feild maybe still hit hard.

I don’t think your landlord can increase the rent because of the pandemic, check the law and with Tenants Board. Also there’s a rent relief in UK for landlords I believe so no excuses