By Rachael - 30/11/2012 07:29 - Australia

Today, I was woken up by my elderly neighbor banging on my door at 2am. She needed "urgent" assistance as she had forgotten how to turn her TV off. I'd just fallen asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 128
You deserved it 1 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be too hard on the elderly. That just might be you one day.

Goddamn remotes are confusing no matter who you are.


Don't be too hard on the elderly. That just might be you one day.

Everything does seem to be more emergent for them...they don't have as much time onearth as some younger people.

ryry013 6
ur2nvthis85 3

Next time don't take the time and teach her how to turn it off but introduce her to the plugin...Electricity is probably more familiar to her than technology...

ur2nvthis85 3

It's only mean when you don't look at the truth in it. Technology has got out of hand. Electricity is simple.

ur2nvthis85 3

Actually 66, with the new smart TVs buttons aren't even needed...

ur2nvthis85 3

He said the concept of pushing the on/off button hasn't changed in a long time and that is incorrect since buttons aren't even necessarily needed with new TVs.

Goddamn remotes are confusing no matter who you are.

Inheritance 10

That or it fell in the cushions.. I would simply unplug the tv.

ur2nvthis85 3

That's what I said but apparently I'm heartless for such a suggestion.

Poor old pet! That's something I wouldn't be putting on here. She can't help it if she has something like dementia :(

People who can't figure out a remote have dementia now? Jeeze I must need to go the doctor some days... Thanks for the warning.

No he means dementia can cause the elderly person to obcess over figuring out how to turn of his/her tv.

51,yes! that's exactly what I mean! God, some people are just stupid

I was gonna make a joke about Alzheimer's, but I forgot :(

Why are people still using this overused and old joke?

I was going to laugh, but your joke isn't funny...

This was almost funny. Oh wait what am I commenting to? I forgot ...

this right here is why I am not friendly with my neighbors. I dont care about your problems. you wake me up I would just as soon slit your throat.

You should go live out in the country then.

everton99 16

No you shouldn't go live in the country. We don't take kindly to people who hate everyone. Go live at one of the poles that way you can just kill penguins when they forget how to turn off their "ice" boxes.

hey watch out about killing penguins, there's one around here who wouldn't agree !

it's ok penguin I forgive you... just don't do it again and we'll be fine.

KiddNYC1O 20

6- Careful what you say. Friendly neighbors can be your personal Life Alert!

AGhost5445 25

6, we both know you wouldn't do shit.

One of the best methods to fix it is to put masking tape over all the buttons they won't need. Leave the channel, power, volume and mute uncovered. Then they only have to try 6 buttons.

I used to do that with mom. I even used stickers using the traffic lights (green, yellow and red) on the microwave buttons so she wouldn't get confused alone and it worked perfectly.

I did that with my grandpa. He managed to push all the wrong buttons anyway. then I couldn't find the right buttons to fix the problem under the tape. Solution was to actually cut the buttons off the remote

Set her sleep timer for one hour before your bed time. Problem solved.

Subsequent FML: "Today, I was woken up by my elderly neighbor banging on my door at 2am. She needed 'urgent' assistance as she had forgotten how to turn her TV ON. I'd just fallen asleep. FML"

13. That made no sense. Please read before you right. Unless of course you're elderly and you've forgotten how your keyboard works.

My grandmother does the same thing when i stay with her. Right when I fall asleep she wakes me up because she forgot how to use the remote at all despite the remote I got her with huge buttons to help

Put duct tape over the buttons she doesn't need (I saw a picture of it on fb)

At least your neighbor knows you'll help her, which is good!