By Erik Aleckson - 05/05/2019 02:00

Today, at my hotel job, I had to help a drunk naked guy back into his room. Earlier today, a fat old guy wearing only briefs came down to the lobby drunk as hell. I used to like my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 866
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What changed? Now you have two more stories that are going to make you hilarious at the Thanksgiving table or any other social function.

slimthundah 5

Christ buddy it’s only an FML


What changed? Now you have two more stories that are going to make you hilarious at the Thanksgiving table or any other social function.

When you work in Customer Service and Hospitality, you have to deal with the (sometimes literal) shit that happens. Also, if you don't like dealing with drunk people, working in a hotel is not for you. I'm guessing you didn't change your mind about your job only after these two minor incidents, because that would be pathetic, and frankly you'd look like a bit of a wuss. Be happy you have a job, weigh the pros against the cons, and handle the bad things as and when they occur, like an adult. Or, quit your job because you'll see a lot worse the longer you stay there, and it would appear as though you want to run away from even the smallest problem like a child. Your choice.

slimthundah 5

Christ buddy it’s only an FML

Yeah, but it's a stupid one. If OP was a paramedic, and complained about having to deal with a patient who was bleeding out, you'd say it was part of the job, and they should have known that going in. Same thing goes for working in a hotel. Things like this were bound to happen, and OP can't really complain about it like it's the worst thing in the world.

I bet you a dollar that if in those situations would’ve been attractive women instead you’d been very happy. Just sayin’