By lastinclass - 13/07/2016 21:28 - Canada - Vancouver

Today at camp, we were choosing teams for capture the flag. It's embarrassing to be chosen last, but today I learnt it's even more embarrassing to not be chosen at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 214
You deserved it 1 053

Same thing different taste

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I believe that makes you the Free Agent who takes flags from either side and is invincible to tagging. You also have to yell "FREE AGENT, FREE AGENT" as you run around waving the captured flags. If the other players find it disruptive, perhaps they can assimilate you into one of the teams. If it's not TOO much trouble.

You probably could've said something, OP. Or perhaps there was an odd number of people and last pick would have to sit out?


You probably could've said something, OP. Or perhaps there was an odd number of people and last pick would have to sit out?

Umm no then you rock paper scissors if the teams are going to be uneven. They were just being assholes.

Really? Huh. Never heard of that. I guess that'd work.

Is there not counsellors around or anything? Shouldn't they be making sure everyone is participating and included. If someone gets left out, it kind of defeats the purpose of what camp is for, fun, group activities, and inclusion. You should have spoke up and said something, make them feel bad and embarrassed, because that was a shitty thing to do.

You're kind of like a clear glass door. No one noticed you but someone is bound to walk right into you at some point. In all seriousness, I hope you said something, and I fully agree with #1 & 2.

I believe that makes you the Free Agent who takes flags from either side and is invincible to tagging. You also have to yell "FREE AGENT, FREE AGENT" as you run around waving the captured flags. If the other players find it disruptive, perhaps they can assimilate you into one of the teams. If it's not TOO much trouble.

That sounds like a lot of fun. Now I wanna do that lol

mermaidgirle 12

I know how you feel, I hated kids that did that shit. It's actually one of the many reasons why I grew up disliking participating in team sports/activities.

It's embarrassing OP, but maybe you should have spoken up and said, "hey I don't have a team." You were probably looked over and that's never a good thing. Talking to a camp leader or counselor would have probably solved the problem. Or simply joining a team would have been okay. Hope you still had fun though.

I believe I have found my doppelganger.

According to the NBA, you're a free agent now and about to sign a four year, 80 million dollar contract with the Brooklyn Nets

Le_ponderer 14

Pull a Rambo and go get that flag mate! You'll will be unencumbered by any team mates slowing you down. You are a force all on your own.

I always got picked last due to height and then put the team on my back